Strategic plan of Nazhvan park of Isfahan


Nazhvan Complex Management


Nazhvan Park, Isfahan


Isfahan’s Nazhwan tourist park, with an area of ​​1,200 hectares, as the largest urban green space in Isfahan, has a variety of tourist attractions, including a forest park, a bird garden, an tunnel aquarium, a chairlift, etc.. This complex, with its pristine natural aspects, tourist and recreational attractions, as well as sports aspects, annually attracts a large number of tourists. The comprehensive operational strategic plan of Nazhwan area has been presented by Arvin Tadbar Memar Consulting Engineers with a biophilic design approach. This approach, which emphasizes strengthening the visitors’ connection with nature, by removing the artificial elements, proposes all the elements of the collection in its organic and natural form.


Tuba tower Unit 102 (10th floor), Hormozan St., Dadman Blvd.

(+98) 2 1 7 1 0 5 3 2 7 1


Unit 8, 2nd floor,Imam Ali Building, Amir Kabir Alley, Vahid St.

(+98) 3 1 3 6 2 9 6 1 8 5