Moshtagh Residential Complex


Dr. Khalilian


2nd Moshtagh St., Isfahan


Moshtagh Residential Complex has a good capacity to use the green space and areas around the Zayandehrud River, so both the employer and the designers agreed on the maximum use of the view of the river. In this regard, smoky colored glasses were installed on the facade surface so that while limiting the view to the inside of the units, the beautiful view of the surrounding area is given to the residents as much as possible. According to the rules and regulations of the city, which have limited the choice of material levels, bricks should also be used as facade materials, so white bricks that were worked on intentionally created a suitable combination with smoky glass for this plan.

5 × two =


Tuba tower Unit 102 (10th floor), Hormozan St., Dadman Blvd.

(+98) 2 1 7 1 0 5 3 2 7 1


Unit 8, 2nd floor,Imam Ali Building, Amir Kabir Alley, Vahid St.

(+98) 3 1 3 6 2 9 6 1 8 5