Isfahan's Golestan Shohada Southwest Entrance Complex


Isfahan Municipality’s Deputy for Urban Planning and Architecture


Isfahan’s Golestan Shohada


The southwestern entrance of Golestan Shohada in Isfahan, with an area of ​​6660 square meters, was designed to create an entrance for crowded days and to organize traffic during these days. In the mentioned plan, in addition to creating an environment worthy of the dignity and status of the martyrs of this land, an attempt was made to create a space in line with the principles of Iranian-Islamic architecture. In this regard, in addition to creating appropriate movement routes and special spaces in this complex, the use of patterns, knots and symbols of Iranian Islamic architecture in space design, has created a relaxing, beautiful and appropriate environment. The entrance of the complex in combination with uses such as open amphitheater, cultural, religious, artistic open-air exhibition routes, private parking and designed green spaces, has made it possible to implement special cultural and religious programs in the vicinity of Golestan Shohada.

sixteen − five =


Tuba tower Unit 102 (10th floor), Hormozan St., Dadman Blvd.

(+98) 2 1 7 1 0 5 3 2 7 1


Unit 8, 2nd floor,Imam Ali Building, Amir Kabir Alley, Vahid St.

(+98) 3 1 3 6 2 9 6 1 8 5