Competent in urban planning and architecture from the Country Management and Planning Organization
Competent in urban planning and architecture from the Country Management and Planning Organization
Author of more than 13 volumes of books in Architecture and Urban Development
What Employers Say
I hope that this collaboration will be the source of accelerating the process of meeting the standards of the residential architectural space, and we will continue to work with this honorable company along this path
Hossein Zamani - Director of Razavi Quality Institute-Astan Quds Razavi
With getting to know Arvin Tadabor-e-Memar, all of the memebership, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, have presented some very brilliant designs, and I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation on behalf of the Justice Department for all its efforts and collaborations
Seyed Taha Abtahi - Isfahan justice representative in the judiciary furniture project
I hope the managers and official seniors of the city appreciate your group, support you and prepare everything for your presence and shine
Seyed Ali Ma’raknejad - Managing Director of Historical, Cultural Complex of Takhte Foulad
While wishing for this honorable series of prosperity and prosperity, we hope that with your determination and passion, we will be able to witness the growth of the architecture and urban development in our beloved Iran
Ehsan Khayyambashi - Director of the Secretariat of the Islamic City
Wishing you the best in the progress and activities of specialists and experts, I thank you for your hard work and diligence in the field of civilization and development
Aliakbar Resalat - Mayor of Isfahan District 11
Employers Satisfaction Average Based On Evaluation Forms
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